
“Lori Veltkamp provided an energetic and insightful session, sharing her personal experience and anecdotes with just the right balance of humour and sensitivity. Thank you for enhancing my understanding and skills. I thoroughly enjoyed the session. ”

“I learned so much taking a session with Lori. As with any course, the delivery is what makes or breaks it, as the content will always be the same. Lori’s training methods are amazing. She keeps you interested and really opens up your thinking and keeps you engaged. It was an absolute pleasure taking a session by Lori, and I can honestly say that I am now a lot more in tune and aware of those around me, rendering me a better colleague and friend. Would recommend taking sessions in order to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace, and in life! ”

“Thanks again for the wonderful training/education/refresher on some of the more common types of mental illness. I am always eager to learn new-found info in this area...You have an appealing method of instruction that makes learning easier to understand. ”

“Awesome course given by Lori, she is very good at her job and knows her subject inside and out. Absolutely a great presenter, and content was very enlightening.”

“ Lori did an excellent job at breaking down various mental health conditions people may struggle with. She not only listed the struggles for the person suffering but for their surroundings (families, friends and work colleagues). She tactfully talked about how to properly respond to potential crisis and gave examples which made the course that much more interesting. Overall, I came away with new knowledge, sharpened skills set and understanding of my own strengths and limits. Lori's many years of experience in the mental health field definitely contributed to the success of this training. She is clearly a passionate advocate for mental health and I am happy to have taken this training with her. ”

“I would strongly recommend these sessions to any organization as mental health touches everyone. I have worked in HR for over 20 years for one of the largest companies in Canada and I can honestly say that Lori is the best presenter I have ever met! No matter what your knowledge of mental health is, you will leave this workshop with a deeper understanding of the impacts of mental health. I had a quite a few "aha" moments!”

Meet Your Presenter:

Lori has 25 years of experience working in the mental health field. Mental Health READY was formed in 2014 and since that time Lori has provided thousands of certified and customized trainings across Canada. Her certification credentials include: Mental Health First Aid Facilitator, Mental Health First Aid Supporting Youth Facilitator, ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) Trainer, Psychological Health and Safety Advisor, HeartMath Trainer, Compassion Fatigue Trainer and Self Abuse Finally Ends (SAFE) Facilitator

Lori Veltkamp
