Course curriculum

    1. How to access your worksheets

    2. Mindful Meditation Guide and Journal

    1. Mindfulness Exercises for Children

    1. Compassionately Questioning Negative Thoughts

    2. Cultivating Gratitude

    3. Emotional Awareness

    4. Finding and Expressing Strong Emotions

    5. Loving-Kindness Affirmations

    6. Mindfulness of Moods

    7. Mindfulness of Negativity

    8. Naming the Feelings

    9. Overcoming Anxious Thoughts

    10. Rating Anxiety in the Body

    11. Scheduling Worry Time

    12. Staying with Emotions

    13. Tracking Your Mood

    14. Transforming Anger

    1. Being Still

    2. Focusing Away From Pain

    3. How to be Mindful of Physical Pain

    4. Managing and Mitigating Stress

    5. Monitoring Stress Reduction

    6. Reducing Holiday Stress

    7. Self-Compassion Break

    8. Taking Care of Yourself

    9. The Gift of Rest

    1. Dealing With Busy Schedules

    2. Evaluating How Wisely You Spend Your Time

    3. Facing Challenges by Others

    4. Grounding

    5. Problem Solving

    6. RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate and Nurture)

    7. The Sources of Your Distraction

    8. Time Management

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 34 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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